Pen and paper, scissors, cardboard, cocktail sticks, sheets, floor
mats or cubes made of foam, safety pins, sticky tape.
The children invent a story, discuss its content and the characters
and decide on all the details together. They paint the characters on
cardboard and cut them out. Then they stick them onto cocktail sticks. By
mutually helping each other, they see that the
figures have different sizes and they correct this.
The children darken the room and look for possibilities of hanging up
a sheet in such a way that there is enough room behind it for the light
source and the children. They see how their figures look as shadows on the
sheet and how they have to be held, and they look for a way of darkening the
lower part of the stage (location of the children who manipulate the
While the nursery school teacher is reading out the invented story,
the children are looking for a good place to sit and/or a good way to pass on
figures during the play.
Afterwards they stage their play, for example, for the younger
children in the institution.
Scientific Explanation:
When you hold an item in front of a strong light source, then its
silhouette appears on a light-coloured surface behind it. Given the right
distance between light source, figures, and screen (sheet), the silhouettes
can be projected sharply onto the sheet and are visible from the other side.
Possible Variation:
The children think about with which materials they can provide
scenery, they procure the material, and see how they can fasten the scenery
at or behind the screen.